2. Installation

2.1. Manual Installation

2.1.1. System dependencies

This is known to install cleanly on most modern Linux systems with Python, Java, and some basic development libraries. On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the following APT packages should be installed on top of the vanilla setup:

python3 python3-pip python3-nose

Java >= 1.7 is required by GATK and Picard.

2.1.2. Python dependencies

The command line tools require Python >= 2.7 or >= 3.4. Required packages (pysam and Biopython) are listed in requirements.txt and can be installed the usual pip way:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, in order to use the pipeline infrastructure, Python 3.4 is required (Python 2 is not supported) and you must install snakemake as well:

pip install -r requirements-pipes.txt

However, most of the real functionality is encapsulated in the command line tools, which can be used without any of the pipeline infrastructure.

You should either sudo pip install or use a virtualenv (recommended).

2.1.3. Tool dependencies

A lot of effort has gone into writing auto download/compile wrappers for most of the bioinformatic tools we rely on here. They will auto-download and install the first time they are needed by any command. If you want to pre-install all of the external tools, simply type this:

nosetests -v test.unit.test_tools

However, there are two tools in particular that cannot be auto-installed due to licensing restrictions. You will need to download and install these tools on your own (paying for it if your use case requires it) and set environment variables pointing to their installed location.

The environment variables you will need to set are GATK_PATH and NOVOALIGN_PATH. These should be set to the full directory path that contains these tools (the jar file for GATK and the executable binaries for Novoalign).

In order to run GATK, you will need to have an appropriate version of the Java JDK installed. As of this writing, Java 1.7 is required for GATK 3.3.0.

Alternatively, if you are using the Snakemake pipelines, you can create a dictionary called “env_vars” in the config.yaml file for Snakemake, and the pipelines will automatically set all environment variables prior to running any scripts.

The version of MOSAIK we use seems to fail compile on GCC-4.9 but compiles fine on GCC-4.4. We have not tried intermediate versions of GCC, nor the latest versions of MOSAIK.

2.2. Virtualized Installation (Easy Deploy)

The viral-ngs package includes a script that can be used to set up a complete virtualized environment for running viral-ngs either on a local machine via VirtualBox, or on AWS EC2. This is an easiesr way to get the software up and running, as it sets up most dependencies automatically within an environment known to work.

2.2.1. Requirements

As noted above, GATK and NovoAlign cannot be installed automatically due to licensing restrictions. In order to run the easy deployment script, you will first need to license and download these tools, and set the GATK_PATH and NOVOALIGN_PATH environment variables.

The easy deployment script has been tested to run on OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet).

2.2.2. Requirements for running on AWS EC2

In order to deploy a virtualized viral-ngs environment to AWS EC2, you will first need to set up the appropriate credentials for creating EC2 instances. AWS credentials and SSH keypairs are passed in as environment variables, and run.sh will prompt for the values if the environment variables are not set (though the values given interactively are ephemeral).

The following environment variables are needed:

  • EC2_REGION (ex. “us-west-2”)
  • EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME (ex. “my-ssh-keypair”)
  • EC2_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH (ex. “my-ssh-keypair.pem”)

2.2.3. Limitations

As viral-ngs does not currently build a depletion database for BMTagger or BLAST automatically, it is the responsibility of the user to create a depletion database for use within the virtualized viral-ngs environment. It can be created within the virtual machine (VM), or uploaded after the fact via rsync.

2.2.4. Running Easy Deploy

Running Easy Deploy to create a virtualized viral-ngs environment is as simple as running easy-deploy/run.sh. Before running this script, copy any data you wish to have in the vm to the easy-deploy/data directory on your local machine. During setup, the files will be copied into the ~/data/ directory of virtual machine.

To start, the script run.sh installs the necessary dependencies on the user’s machine (ansible, vagrant, virtualbox, and virtualbox-aws). The provisioning is handled by Ansible, with Vagrant handling creation of the VMs and EC2 instances. On OSX it depends on Homebrew, and will install it if it is not present. It depends on having apt on linux. Ruby >=2.0 is required for vagrant-aws, so versions of Ubuntu older than 15.04 (notably 14.04 LTS) will need to have ruby >=2.0 installed and made default.

2.2.5. Details on Easy Deploy

Per the Vagrantfile, local VM RAM usage is set to 8GB. On EC2 it currently uses an m4.2xlarge instance with 32GB of RAM and 8 vCPUs.

Ansible clones the master branch of viral-ngs from GitHub, creates a Python 3 virtual environment, and installs the viral-ngs Python dependencies. The viral-ngs tool unit tests are run to download, install, and build all of the viral-ngs tools. A Snakefile for viral-ngs is copied to the home directory of the VM (locally: /home/vagrant/, on EC2: /home/ubuntu/), along with an associated config.yaml file. Files to contain sample names (sample-depletion.txt, etc.) are also created. A directory is created within the VM, ~/data/, to store data to be processed. This directory on the VM is synced to the ./data/ directory on the host machine, relative to the location of the easy-deploy/Vagrantfile. On local VMs, syncing of the directory is two-way and fast. On EC2 instances, the syncing is currently one way (local->EC2) due to Vagrant limitations.